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事件陈述报告书模板4篇事件陈述报告书模板 个人陈述尊敬的各位老师: 您们好!我叫xxx,现就读于xxx大学临床药学专业。接下来我将从以下方面展开陈述: (一)学业情况&mdas下面是小编为大家整理的事件陈述报告书模板4篇,供大家参考。



陈述 尊敬的各位老师:

 您们好!我叫 xxx,现就读于 xxx 大学临床药学专业。接下来我将从以下方面展开陈述:

 (一)学业情况—扎实基础促发展 前五学期,我以专业排名 xx/xx 的优异成绩拟获得保研资格,曾获 xxx 大学“十杰大学生”,国家奖学金,企业奖学金(2 次),特等奖学金(5 次),一等奖学金等荣誉。我的专业基础知识扎实,已系统构建了药学理论框架,学习了课程(分数)、课程(分数)、课程(分数)、课程(分数)等数理化课程和课程(分数)、课程(分数)、课程(分数)等专业课程。

 (二)科研与实习经历—践行理论以提升 Xxx大学学术氛围浓郁,非常注重学生实验技能的培养,在学校的培养下,我已具备基础实验操作能力,并且我善于思考,对实验知其然亦知其所以然,善于探究实验背后的原理。



 (三)综合发展—多维涉猎爱生活 学生工作方面,我曾任文艺部部长、人力资源部部长等职,较好地锻炼了自身组织协调能力,并获评 “校优秀学生干部”。兴趣爱好方面,我参加了xxx 现代舞团和院舞蹈团。志愿服务方面。我获得中国注册志愿者志愿服务证,志愿时长达 xx 小时。

 (四)未来规划—脚踏实地攀高峰 随着专业课的学习,我愈加了解 xxx 这门学科的重要性,坚定了我想要继续深造的决心。我一直深深向往着 xx 大学药学院顶尖的师资力量、培养模式和学术氛围,倘有机会成为贵学院的一名研究生,我将着重在以下几个方面继续努力下去:





侦查终结报告书模板 呈请侦查终结报告书

  第一部分:犯罪嫌疑人加藤威,男,1991 年 9 月 23 日出生,身份证号码 440101199109231234,广东省广州市人,汉族,暂住广东省广州市白云区文盛庄广景素摄小区 7 幢 A单元暂住房 711。加藤威自幼上学,18 岁开始辍学并且到处打工,到过广西、四川、福建等地,XX 年 6 月 X 日到广州花都实施诈骗。XX 年 6 月 x 日因涉嫌票据诈骗罪被我局刑事拘留,现羁押于白云看守所。

 建议 沦 对加藤威骗局诈骗案呈 愁 请侦查终结

  涉嫌的 永 主要犯罪事实:XX 年 占 6 月 X 日,加藤威利用 蛤 伪造虚假票椐诈骗无名 长 县大发贸易有限公司, 瞅 吴生贸易有限公司和虚 完 无贸易有限公司的钢材 院 物资。证物:证人证言 雨 、虚假票椐、

  在赃 谱 物现场抓获犯罪嫌疑人 污 ,犯罪嫌疑人加藤威的 涯 供述等。

  法律依据 辞 :刑法第一百九十四条 幸 :有下列情形之一,进 锨 行金融票据诈骗活动, 寡 数额较大的,处五年以 汀 下有期徒刑或者拘役, 蹿 并处一万元以上二十万 睦 元以下罚金;数额巨大 医 或者有其他严重情节的 醒 ,处五年以上十年以下 岳 有期徒刑,并处五万元 纸 以上五十万元以下罚金 灭 ;数额特别巨大或者有 拐其他特别严重情节的, 阮 处十年以上有期徒刑或 口 者无期徒刑,

 并处五万 冯 元以上五十万元以下罚 叔 金或者没收财产:

  肋 明知是伪造、变造的汇 闹 票、本票、支票而使用 求 的; 明知是作废的汇票 镁 、本票、支票而使用的 庸 ; 冒用他人的汇票、本 临 票、支票的;

  签发 拌 空头支票或者与其预留 讯 印鉴不符的支票,骗取 袜 财物的;

  汇票、本 傲 票的出票人签发无资金 洒 保证的汇票、本票或者 圭 在出票时一作虚假记载 风 ,骗取财物的。

  处 薛 理意见:综上所述,犯 烟 罪嫌疑人加藤威用假票 连 据诈骗钱财,其行为触 锌 犯了《中华人民共和国 韵 刑法》第一百九十四条 染 之规定,涉嫌票据诈骗 脆 罪。根据《中华人民共 瞻 和国刑事诉讼法》第一 釉 百

  二十九条之规定 处 ,拟请侦查终结,移送 应 起诉。妥否,请批示。



  第一部 泡 分:犯罪嫌疑人的基本 咒 情况〔姓名、性别、出 嘿生日期、出生地、身份 星 证件号码、民族、文化 禽 程度、职业或工作单位 忻 及职务、政治面貌、采 铬 取强制措施情况、简历 筹等〕。尚未确定犯罪嫌 臃 疑人的,写明案件基本 垣 情况。如果涉及其他人 浮 员的,写明该人基本情 赞 况。第二部分:呈请事 胁 项。第三部分:事实依 巨 据。第四部分:法律依 蝎 据。第五部分:结语和 虏 落款。

 呈请阎华侵占案 予 件侦查终结报告书

  落 阎华侵占案,于 199 耶 7 年 10 月 19 日立案 坤 ,于 1997 年 10月 娶 23 日破案.经过走访 骚 调查,历时 4 天破案, 徒 抓获犯罪嫌疑人阎华. 穴 侦查期间进过询问犯罪 沸 嫌疑人阎华,搜查其住 胆 所后,查实了犯罪嫌疑 砌 人阎华涉嫌侵占他人财 默 物的犯罪事实.现将有 舜关情况报告如下: 一、 馏 犯罪嫌疑人的基本请况 葬

 犯罪嫌疑人阎华, 刑 男,27 岁,汉族,身 双 份证号码 XXXXXX 愈XXXXXXXXXX 幌 XX,湖南,长沙人, 栅 高中文化,出租车司机 氯 ,居住地为长沙市岳麓 梭 区 xxx 街 xxx 号. 描

 犯罪嫌疑人阎华高 盐 中毕业后考试通过取得 漳 驾照,后一直以开出租 瓢 车为业.之前没有任何 艾 犯罪记录。

 二、案件来 漳 源及侦破经过

  犯罪 记 嫌疑人阎华涉嫌侵占他 胜 人财物一案,由受害人 俯 丁爱民于 1997 年 1 毙 0 月 19 日晚 11 时许 辜 到天心区派出所报案, 扶 称自己从长沙市茶湾镇 朴 乘出租车到娱乐城,下 启 车时将内有 13105 控 0 元现金和通讯录及其 队 他物品的背包遗忘在车 喊 上,请求我派出所帮其 头 寻找背包及物品。我派 邓 出所当即决定立案侦查 拱 。我公安机关工作人员 俊 经走访调查,在枫林夜 医 总会停车场找到阎华, 励 并将其传唤到派出所。

 麻 阎华矢口否认在车内拾 章 到背包的事。后公安人 感 员依法取得搜查令后对 铭 阎华的住所进行搜查, 贴 找到背包,最后阎华交 螺 代了犯罪事实。

 三、涉 性 嫌的主要犯罪事实

  抹 经过审查和询问,及调 幂 查搜查,查明犯罪嫌疑 涨 人阎华于 1997 年 1 呸 0 月 19 日晚 11 时许 窒 ,驾“夏利”牌出租车 腋 从长沙市茶湾镇应乘客 隆 丁爱民的要求,运送丁 厌 爱民至娱乐城,丁爱民 颜 下车时把内装有 131 支 050 元现金以及通信 瞧 录等其他物品的背包遗 仕 忘在车上。后阎华发现 妨 此背包,随起歹念,将 稚该包送回家中藏于电视 箍 柜内,企图占为己有。


 当公安人员第一次 泪 传唤阎华时,起矢口否 拯 认在车内拾包的事实, 刹 直至公安人员取得搜查 敝 证后搜到背包,阎华才 新交代了犯罪事实,不具 椭 有减轻处罚的情节。

 四 妙 、认定犯罪的主要证据 救

 认定上述犯罪事实的证 债 据如下:

  1、被害 禹 人丁爱民陈述:199 达 7 年 10 月 19 日晚 1 吟 1 时许,称自己从长沙 朽 市茶湾镇乘出租车到娱 蕴 乐城,下车时将内有1 若 31050 元现金和通 代 信录及其他物品的背包 吧 遗忘在车上,后出租车 土 司机未找其还其物品, 煎 也未在附近派出所看到 巍 失物招领。于是报案。


 2、经走访获得的相关 胡 证据

  3、经搜查和 腥 受害人辨认的结果:在 珍 犯罪嫌疑人阎华家的电 酚 视柜里搜到丁爱民遗忘 咽 在出租车上的背包,内 秧 有丁爱民所述物品,经 蒸 丁爱民辨认,确定为其 脚 遗忘物品,并且丁爱民 嚎 还指证阎华为当晚运载 坯 她的出租车司机。

 功 4、获取的相关物证有 榔 :丁爱民丢失的背包, 倪 出租车照片

  5、犯 泪 罪嫌疑人的供述:称自 誊 己于 1997 年 10 月 绎 19 日晚11 时许,驾 倡 “夏利”牌出租车从长 咋 沙市茶湾镇应乘客丁爱 溢民的要求,运送丁爱民 绘 至娱乐城,丁爱民下车 鸽 时把内装有13105 献 0 元现金以及通信录等 园 其他物品的背包遗忘在 疙 车上。随后自己发现此 栋 背包,随起歹念,就将 硼 该包送回家中藏于电视 视 柜内,企图占为己有。


 上述犯罪事实清楚 漓 ,证据确实充分,足以 页 认定犯罪嫌疑人阎华涉 犹 嫌侵占罪 五、需要说明 津 的问题

  1、走访时 孙 根据受害人丁爱民的描 娱 述,进过观察,找出阎 肩 华,对其传唤,阎华是 掂 矢口否认有犯罪行为的 政 情况下,又经丁爱民辨 勋 认后,我们才申请搜查 巧 令,后对阎华住所进行 淫 搜查。

  2、搜查出 之 来的背包跟丁爱民描述 云 一致,内有丁爱民的相 萤 关证件,因而确定为丁 烬 爱民的背包。

 六、处理 则 意见

  综上所述,犯 摆 罪嫌疑人阎华故意侵占 御 他人遗忘在其车内的背 阀 包及包内财务,其行为 牛 触犯了《中华人民共和 黔 国刑法》第二百七十条 订 第二款、第三款之规定 习 ,涉嫌侵占罪,属于告 邦 诉才处理的案件。根据 梨 《中华人民共和国刑事 淫 诉讼

 法》第十五条、第 瞪 一百七十一条第一款第 馈 一项之规定,拟请侦查 硕 终结,撤销案件。

 妥否 贡 ,请批示。

 刑侦支队 X 蔗 队 景小珍 xxx 199 蔓 7 年 10 月 25 日


个人陈述模板 electronic engineering

  Written by Administrator

  Monday, 26 April 2010 21:41

  The personal data enclosed in this application file will demonstrate my profile as a child prodigy who entered into Jilin University at 16 and joined the country"s topmost scientific research institution as a graduate student at 20. Now with an engineering experience of 4 years at the age of 24, I would like to scale still higher intellectual heights by pursuing advanced studies, an education process that I hope will gain me the competitive edge for personal growth and push me to the forefront of scientific progress.

 Immersed in the academic atmosphere of an intellectual family, I was

 encouraged in my early childhood by my parents to read books in a wide range of disciplines. With this privileged background, I attended primary school at 6, at least one year earlier than the normal admission age of 7 or older. I felt so lucky-God blessed me with so many natural gifts. At an early age I showed a natural talent in mathematics and a strong memory, the attributes that enabled me to excel my classmates, especially in such challenging subjects as mathematics, physics and chemistry. I took part in a variety of provincial and national contests, demonstrating my excellent academic skills and wining many prizes.

  Blessed with my academic potence, I was able to finish my primary and secondary education in 10 years, two years ahead of the usual twelve years. At 16, I entered a privileged class specially designed for the gifted students at Jilin University, a cradle of scientific and technological talents in China. The class selects only 90 students out of more than 1000 child prodigies across China each year. (Jilin University is a prestigious university of general education with 20 departments and a regular annual enrollment of 1,500 students) I studied at Electrical Engineering (E. E) Department, a highly selective department with a gathering of smart students who are hard to compete with.

 Four years of undergraduate studies had me well trained in a wide range of disciplines, and my outstanding academic performance encouraged me to pursue an advanced degree. With a concentration on mathematics, communication and computer, I studied a variety of courses in my undergraduate years, among which were Higher Mathematics, Probability Statistics and Stochastic Process, Theories of Signal and Information, High Frequency Circuits and Principles of Modern Communications Systems, Computer Principle and other courses in the Electronic Technology field. I also studied Western culture, History and Economics in order to build up a good base for my education. With a wish to build a solid foundation for my future research and study, I was fully devoted to my academic training at college. My hard work proved to be successful. My overall GPA of 3.57/4.0 ranked in the top one percent of my class. Upon graduation in 1994, I won easy acceptance into Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications as a graduate student at 20, an age when most Chinese students would be just starting their university education. At this university, I narrowed my academic interest down to the area of mobile communications and digital communications.

 My MA education proved to be another period of fruitful and successful academic pursuits. Among the courses I selected were Probability Theory, ISDN & ATM, SPC, Digital Signal Processing, Personal Communications, C++ language. These disciplinary training prepared me to delve deeper in the

 study of electrical engineering and communications. To keep me informed of the latest developments in my field and to brush up my English language skills, I also read the latest professional journals and periodicals of the telecommunications on a regular basis. Burning the course of my MA program, my outstanding academic records won me various scholarships in seven consecutive years, among which, to name a few, were Excellent Students, Excellent Person, Excellent fellowship.

 To garnish this writing with other personal activities other than academic achievements, I need to mention my perfect performance in a dancing contest at Jilin University, which won me the first prize.

  Anyway, looking back at my campus life, I feel confident to say that I have fulfilled the education goal to my satisfaction.

 Teaching Experience I worked as a teaching assistant at the Electronics Circuit Group in Personal Communications in my third semester at Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications. I taught product applications and the telecommunications development in China. I trained the students by theoretical approach and also taught them how to solve real problems by practical means. I found the teaching position so much enjoyable. The daily academic exchanges between the students and myself were beneficial to both parties. I believe that my students enjoyed my teaching too because my classes were well attended.

  Starting from April 1998, I worked as a part-time teacher at HP corporation. Later I was also employed by Software Center Motorola, China. I taught Motorola customers the principle of CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) and the usage of the HP instruments for testing CDMA Base station and CDMA Handset. Motorola customers were all satisfied with my teaching. I not only grasped advanced knowledge but also, more importantly, learned how to be a good teacher.

 Research Experience In the second year of my graduate studies, I began to work as research assistant of Professor Dacheng Yang, a renowned expert in digital and mobile communication Research and Design Center of Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. After learning the background, application, principle, and advantage of CDMA, I selected the signaling design of the CDMA Base Station Interface as my research topic. I evaluated and studied the protocols IS-95, IS-634 and the ULTRA interface protocols of Lucent. Applying software engineering method and Oriented-Object approach, I designed the internal interface of Base Station System between BSC and BTS-Abis interface, which

 is one of the most important parts of such a large and sophisticated project. Then referring to protocols LAPD/LAPF, integrating the latest knowledge and using one step. By working on this project, I learned more about CDMA, GSM and other mobile communications systems. Later I felt so proud to hear what I had done was downloaded to the board and the design ran flawlessly.

 Working Experience After I obtained my MA degree in engineering in 1997, I was employed by a telecommunication branch company of Posts & Telecommunications Industry Company. I participated in the JSU18 switching System Project, which is planned to produce the sixth largest switching system in China"s own switching systems. I was in charge of the No.7 signaling section and developed the trunk communication system. Referring to protocol Q. 764, etc, I designed the TUP (Telephone User Part) & ISUP (ISDN User Part) - the most important part of a switching system-with C++ Language. By now, I have finished the software flow of CPC (call process) of these two parts. Through programming, downloading the procedure into the real switching system, debugging and testing, I came to deeply understand the call process of the large switching system and the relationship between all the modules of a large switching system. The procedure that I completed is so good that we can call successfully through it.

 In working on these two projects, I cultivated diligent work habits, independent research ability and team spirit. I feel I have the potential for further further academic growth and am ready to take up the challenge of advanced studies in my chosen field.

 From August 1998, I joined Software center Motorola, China and got involved in the CDMA project. We must communicate with international customers on a frequent basis in English environment. So I not only learned about the excellent software development process and various branches of advanced knowledge, but also improved my English ability. Here, we often exchange our findings at presentations given by others and myself in English. I get a lot of technical and non - technical training, in such subjects as Software Product Process, CDMA ( Code Division Multiple Access), GSM, GPRS ( General Packet Radio Service - the third generation system of GSM), TTCN ( Tree and Tabular Combined Notation - a test language), ITEX ( Interactive TTCN Editor and executor - a test tool for the TTCN language), and even English language.

 Purpose of Study I learn greedily, but the more I am trained, the more deeply I realize what I learned earlier is not enough. I have not got a chance to lead a major project, although I have been moving on a smooth career path and always finished my

 part of every project immaculately. As a female engineer, I must learn more to compete with most male engineers to lead a major project. And in spite of all my achievements, I feel that I have not brought my intellectual capabilities into full play. So I desire to enter your esteemed university to pursue advanced studies so that I can lay a solid foundation for my future research work. In the meantime, I will be able to improve my English, and I hope that someday I can speak English as well as Chinese.

 I believe I have acquired the necessary theoretical framework and practical experience for advanced studies. Equipped with the ability to teach myself and conduct independent research, I will be able to attain competence quickly in areas that I may at first know very little about. I never work just to finish an assignment, but instead I always try conscientiously to learn as much as possible and sharpen my expertise through the work I do. Keeping this work style, I have become highly skilled in such fields as switching system"s trunking system (communications and software), Code Division Multiple Access system (mobile communications and software), SDT & TTCN (CASE and test tools), and pSOS+ system (real-time operation system). These achievements would be a great help in my pursuit of advanced education, especially when I can work under the seasoned guidance of your stron...


陈述 尊敬的评审老师:

 您好!我是 xxx。首先感谢您在百忙之中阅读我的个人陈述。

 我出生在 xxx,现就读于 xxx(985 可以在括号里标注一下)xxx 专业。在过去三年的时间里,经过老师的悉心指导和自己的辛勤付出,我打下了良好的专业基础,我一直保持着 专业第 x xx xx 的成绩,荣获 20xx-20xx 年国家奖学金,连续 x 年荣获专业 x 等奖学金。作家柳青说:“人生的道路虽然漫长,但紧要处常常只有几步,特别是当人年轻的时候。”xxx 大学 xxx 学院一直是我憧憬和向往的理想学院,我渴望在 xxx 走出人生最紧要的步伐。


 20xx 年秋天,我从 xxx 大学 xxx 学校以 第一志愿考入 xxx 大学 xxx 学院xxx 专业。在这两年半的时间里,学分绩点 xxx,综合排名 xx/20。其中,专业基础课程 xxx(分数),xxx(分数),xxx(分数),xxx(分数),xxx(分数),xxx(分数),xxx(分数)。通过这些课程,我掌握了 坚实的 x xxx 基础知识。除专业知识外,我十分重视英语学习。大一便通过英语四六级考试,大二时获得学校英语免修资格,但我仍然坚持大量的英语前沿文献阅读,具备良好的读写表达能力。


 我积极参与科研竞赛,自大一起便提前进入课题组进行研究学习,大二申请加入 xxx 大学拔尖创新人才培养实验班并在导师指导下负责科研项目 xxx。该项目在开题时得到院系老师的高度肯定。现我已建立系统的知识框架,具备一定独立研究能力。作为项目负责人,我查阅 xx 余篇相关文献,利用 xxx 方案,进行 xxx 及现场实地调研,通过课题组内相关学习及研究,优化了 xxx,掌握 xxx 方法。在研究中,我掌握了 xxx 及 xxx(如 Origin、SPSS、ChemDraw)等软件的使用,获得了从文献查阅、实验设计、实地调研到论文写作的系统的科研训练。该项目现已完成中期阶段性任务,下一步将 xxx。

 此外,我参加了 xxx 竞赛,我们从实际生活出发,为解决 xxx 问题,我们团队设计了 xxx。在该项目中,我负责 xxx,清晰的方案思路得到评委老师的一直好评。此项设计不仅体现了我们将所学专业知识应用于实践的素养与能力,更增强了我们努力学习专业知识技能的信心。


 在竞赛活动方面,我还积极参与各类创新创业项目。作为公司创始人之一,我创建的以 xxx 项目为核心的 xxx 荣获 xxx 奖项,并以此项目为依托参加了 xxx 大赛获得 xx 奖的好成绩。作为一名预备党员,在 xxx 活动中,我还作为xxx 进行 xxx。学习科研之余,我还利用寒暑假时间参加各类实习实践活动,参加 xxx 等志愿服务累计 xxh。作为 xxx 负责人进入 xxx 公司进行为期 xxx 个月的实习,并在实习中表现优异。



 1、借助 xxx 大学 xxx 学院良好的科研平台,通过自己的努力尽快融入新的环境,勤奋学习,扎实基础专业知识,提高科研技能。



 如果我有机会进入 xxx 大学继续深造,我将珍惜这个机会,通过自己勤奋和卓有成效的工作,参与到所在课题组的科学研究之中。


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